Montag, 27. Oktober 2014

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

Today we're gonna have a look at the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol).

First of all, let's watch this video below and follow the steps in the video:

I will start with some general information:
  • ARP-Address Resolution Protocol
  • ARP resolves IP addresses to MAC addresses at Layer 2
  • Frames on a local network are delivered to a MAC address
  • So, a MAC address needs to be resolved from an IP address before a packet can be delivered.
  • ARP plays an important role in the functioning of local area networks (LAN)
  • We can demonstrate the ARP process using a command prompt and Wireshark.

IP addresses help us to reach/find networks
To deliver actual frames on a local network, we need the MAC-addresses.

The MAC-address of a typical Multicast starts with those characters: 01-00-5e-..-..-..
Broadcast: ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff

The first three blocks (six characters) of the MAC-address are called the organization unique identifier (OUI), which identifies the company.

Command Line Interface: commands for arp


Writeout of the command arp -a: in my case it looks like this

At next, let's start "Wireshark".
Wireshark is a network analyzing tool.

Open Wireshark -> Capture -> Interfaces.. -> now choose your active interface (with the most packets)

It should look like this:

Now we have to create a filter, that only ARP's will be shown:
Options -> Capture Filter -> new -> now we create a filter with the name "ARP only"

Yet we can start the capturing process, by clicking on "OK" and subsequently "Start".

When we go for instance on a web page, we can see now a few listings.

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