Montag, 3. November 2014

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery in PacketTracer and Wireshark

Today we will find out more about IPv6 Neighbor Discovery, using PacketTracer and/or Wireshark.

For the introduce we will start using Wireshark.
At next ask your neighbor to get the IPv6 address of his/her PC (ipconfig /all).
In my case:

Now start a ping-command in the cmd, with the IPv6-address of the PC next to you: 

 Now start the capturing in Wireshark:


There you can see, that there is a protocol, named "Neighbor Solicitation" with the IPv6-address of your neighbor.
There you can also find a "Router Advertisement": the router sends periodically a message, that the others can see, where the router is.

Additionally you can analyse it, by clicking the options below.

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